Name Statistics South Africa

Moodley Charlene

The name Moodley Charlene has an approximative frequency of 0.0009% in South Africa.

Surname: Charlene
Frequency: 0.0051%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this surname: 2652

First name: Moodley
Frequency: 0.0014%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this first name: 728

MD5 Code: 3391ebe51d7bec5d8713acbd1168010f
SHA1 Code: b9b416daa3ae92337ffede0d8fa24ea755071dd1

The average IQ of the people who have this name:
!! Unknown. Click here to determine the average IQ of the South Africans named Moodley Charlene !!