Name Statistics South Africa


Here are some statistics concerning the surname Annamart and a list of some of the the most common names in South Africa that contain it.

Frequency: 0%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this surname: 0
MD5 Code: c01d647a9fe6454ab62384dcf42e8c87
SHA1 Code: 43b9ecab55ca5cf9fae4398eab2202836fbb3a81

Name Frequency
Bergh Annamart 0.0002%
Bam Annamart 0.0002%
Alberts Annamart 0.0002%
Williams Annamart 0.0002%
Klok Annamart 0.0002%
Coetsee Annamart 0.0002%