Name Statistics South Africa


Here are some statistics concerning the first name Loxton and a list of some of the the most common names in South Africa that contain it.

Frequency: 0%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this first name: 0
MD5 Code: f055aca7901ce23dd51da9ccf0af69f8
SHA1 Code: 937f5cda6212629cebd73b15b823f26385ea614a

Name Frequency
Loxton Malcolm 0.0004%
Loxton Nicole 0.0004%
Loxton Heinrich 0.0002%
Loxton Gary 0.0002%
Loxton Heidi 0.0002%
Loxton Leandre 0.0002%
Loxton Larry 0.0002%
Loxton Janine 0.0002%
Loxton John-peter 0.0002%
Loxton Audrey 0.0002%
Loxton Alex 0.0002%
Loxton Adrie 0.0002%
Loxton Annatjie 0.0002%
Loxton Dean 0.0002%
Loxton Sheralee 0.0002%
Loxton Riaan 0.0002%
Loxton Ramona 0.0002%
Loxton Wayne 0.0002%
Loxton Zelda 0.0002%
Loxton Tony 0.0002%
Loxton Lizette 0.0002%
Loxton Lindy 0.0002%
Loxton Peter 0.0002%