Name Statistics South Africa


Here are some statistics concerning the first name Mothoa and a list of some of the the most common names in South Africa that contain it.

Frequency: 0.0002%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this first name: 104
MD5 Code: 6fa49a9749007e8082fc771271b29b6d
SHA1 Code: a57bcbd942459cd171f4bbf204e077748b1702df

Name Frequency
Mothoa Given 0.0004%
Mothoa James 0.0002%
Mothoa Dinah 0.0002%
Mothoa Cheryl 0.0002%
Mothoa Smangele 0.0002%
Mothoa Salvado 0.0002%
Mothoa Sadi 0.0002%
Mothoa Steve 0.0002%
Mothoa Sydney 0.0002%
Mothoa Martin 0.0002%
Mothoa Maryjane 0.0002%
Mothoa Lekgethile 0.0002%
Mothoa Lesego 0.0002%
Mothoa Lydia 0.0002%
Mothoa Percy 0.0002%
Mothoa Modukuduku 0.0002%
Mothoa Mosa 0.0002%