Name Statistics South Africa


Here are some statistics concerning the first name Ntombi and a list of some of the the most common names in South Africa that contain it.

Frequency: 0.0194%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this first name: 10088
MD5 Code: 68edf8586e4ea9e13a4b9856e0e345e9
SHA1 Code: 66d06a348a6bfb0f818d64d6134f92a77738c455

Name Frequency
Ntombi Gwen 0.0002%
Ntombi Joyce 0.0002%
Ntombi Camellia 0.0002%
Ntombi Alicia 0.0002%
Ntombi Edna 0.0002%
Ntombi Esther 0.0002%
Ntombi Roseline 0.0002%
Ntombi Zanele 0.0002%
Ntombi Yende 0.0002%
Ntombi Sylvia 0.0002%
Ntombi Marcia 0.0002%
Ntombi Mietz 0.0002%
Ntombi Lucy 0.0002%
Ntombi Ntombekaya 0.0002%
Ntombi Nthabiseng 0.0002%
Ntombi Nobuhle 0.0002%
Ntombi Precious 0.0002%
Ntombi Ngcobo 0.0002%