Name Statistics South Africa


Here are some statistics concerning the first name Renier and a list of some of the the most common names in South Africa that contain it.

Frequency: 0.0523%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this first name: 27196
MD5 Code: 99ad6b8258cae04bb2caaecdaefffa50
SHA1 Code: 6fe775ef33736af26ec99677e74db181eec1fdab

Name Frequency
Renier Hein 0.0002%
Renier Jakobus 0.0002%
Renier Billy 0.0002%
Renier Carl 0.0002%
Renier Bruce 0.0002%
Renier Stephan 0.0002%
Renier Rachel 0.0002%